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What is GrooveFunnels?

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GrooveFunnels where the original name of the Groove CRM marketing platform.

GrooveFunnels was originally the name of the entire Groove suite created by Mike Filsaime, Matt Seralta and Joe Jablonski. In early 2021 GrooveFunnels changed name to GrooveCRM. The name GrooveFunnels was strategically chosen to compete with other leading brands in the niche. The Groove suite has now become so much more than just a funnel builder so the name GrooveFunnel has somewhat played out it’s role. Groove have become a entire marketing CRM with a pletoria of apps and Groove CRM is a more appropriate name for this system. GrooveFunnels.com is still the domain that the CRM runs on and all the apps inside is still under the GrooveFunnel umbrella.

Then what is GrooveFunnels and what can it do?

As I explained, GrooveFunnels is a marketing platform with all the tools you need to build and scale your business online. YOU DON’T NEED ANYTHING ELSE! GrooveFunnels is a Freemium based service, which means that ALL the apps are available for free in some way or form. The limitation is mostly based on volume, which means that you are limited to a smaller amount of, for example, the number of websites or membership sites you can build or amount of emails you can collect. This way, you can get started to build your business completely free and upgrade when you have grown.

Want to know which apps are or will be included? Click here to get an overview.

GrooveFunnels is still in Beta (as of August 2021) but will switch to a full-fledged marketing platform Dec 10th. By that time the lifetime deal will be gone and Groove will become a monthly subscription.

All the leaders, Mike Filsaime, John Cornetta, Joe Jablonski, Donna Fox and so on, are really working hard to make this platform the best in class. If they find a function another platform has, and it is good, they WILL implement it.

GrooveFunnels Lifetime Deal

GrooveFunnels offer an awesome lifetime deal, as long as they are in Beta. The price? Only $1997!

But that is about to end SOON. On November 23 to 10 December Groove will have their launch and on the 10th December the lifetime deal is over for good and they will switch to $299/month subscription based.

Click here to grab the LTD before it's gone forever.

What is a funnel then?

A funnel is a way or path for web visitors to follow to become a subscriber or a buyer. A funnel contains a series of web pages that interconnects so the visitor must follow the path that is laid out, page for page, until they become a lead or a buyer.

Have a look at this schematic image of a funnel.

Here is an example of an opt-in page:

As you can see, the visitor is ”funneled” through each page and the only way to ”escape” is by going through all the pages or close the page.

This is why funnels work so well instead of ”ordinary” website pages. On a regular web page, you have all kinds of distractions, such as other pages and links to click and soon the visitor will click away from the page. In a funnel, you have only two options, go through the funnel or leave.

What is so special with GrooveFunnels?

Well, first of all, GrooveFunnels is free to use, at least if you don’t need a lot of websites, email contacts, etc. The other thing is that what you get in the free version is much more generous than what most of the competition offers. The free account will have access to almost all the advanced features, only limited to volume.

And the features, both implemented and planned, are amazing and almost non-existing on other platforms. For example, you have full access to GrooveSell, the product and payment app where you can add as many products as you like and receive payments online together with Stripe, Paypal or GroovePay. I don´t know any other platform offer this for free.

Other features are custom landing pages for affiliates, affiliate data sharing allowing affiliates to see emails and other data from the seller and one thing that I think is absolutely mind blowing… Affiliates can be allowed to add their own pixel on the product and thank-you page allowing them to optimize their campaigns for conversions. This is a game changer!

You can read more about these features here.

There you have the basics. If you want more info, be sure to check out the other pages describing all the different apps.

Watch the latest State Of The Groovion!

State Of The Groovion is a presentation when there is a major announcement from the Groove team. On the webinar all the new features is presented, both implemented and whats in the works.

Mike Filsaime always blow the lid off with all the new things constantly added to this platform.

_______       NEXT STEPS        _______

Join GooveCRM

Being a backer for two years now, I must say I get more and more excited every month. Not only for all the new features coming out, but also for all the amazing training I get for free. Much of it I better than other programs I have paid thousands for.

To this date I have saved thousands of dollars on web-hosting and membership platforms. Not only that, I have made several thousands by selling websites to clients hosted on Groove.

And least, but not last have I made a lot of affiliate commissions by helping others switching to Groove, saving them a lot of money too.

So, the only thing I have to say now is to go and sign up for a FREE account and try it out for yourself. I know you won't get disappointed.

Sign up for FREE!

Here Are The Most Commonly Asked Questions About GrooveCRM...

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  • Q. Question goes here?

 - Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam id pharetra massa, nec dignissim turpis. Donec pulvinar sapien in auctor congue. Aliquam gravida feugiat rhoncus. Ut purus libero, pharetra ut lectus ac, auctor pharetra urna. Nunc varius neque non nulla luctus, in tempor orci consectetur. Sed malesuada turpis ut scelerisque blandit.

  • Q. Question goes here?

 - Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam id pharetra massa, nec dignissim turpis. Donec pulvinar sapien in auctor congue. Aliquam gravida feugiat rhoncus. Ut purus libero, pharetra ut lectus ac, auctor pharetra urna. Nunc varius neque non nulla luctus, in tempor orci consectetur. Sed malesuada turpis ut scelerisque blandit.

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